This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Apr 28 2014

Tech Review meeting 2014_04_28
Present: Trish, William, Mike
Absent: Bianca

Art of Life
2 volunteers started classifying. Looking for more
From last weeks meeting the to do actions are on Kyle and Joel’s plate

Purposeful Gaming
Trish Sent out RFPs on Friday. What about companies that did not respond? Yes send them RfPs anyway. Send to Zooninverse? Check with Rob Guralnick on an appropriate contact there. Czech company from Jiri – Trish sent email but hasn’t heard back. She also contacted Simon Sherrin for contacts.
Who will review RfPs when they come back? Any PG staff that are interested.
Mike, Trish and William need to be available for Q&A with companies in next month.
FromThePage – waiting for MikeW. to complete installation. Asked for priority on task with IT.
Mike B. and time on grant – Mike shouldn’t be working more than 50% on PG and rest of time 17% should be doing classification.
OCR generation from Botanicus. We need to confirm if its working (Mike L indicated it has been giving errors for quite awhile now) and can be used for PG

Mining Biodiversity
Wiki set up
Adding Vocabularies and Tools
Community Manager

RJB Linkouts – in Citebank we would remove the externally hosted content. (e.g. links to BHL, SCIELO, etc.) But with OAI sets RJB does not have these filtered out or in separate sets. William has put in request to RJB to separate these out. Trish asked what about the other 2 providers content – do they host everything or link to? Pensoft and SCIELO. Pensoft publishes all their own content. SCIELO aggregates born digital content but hosts all of it themselves.
Author Display – author’s display issues were decided. Mike pushed to production. BHL staff still want to go through notes but this can be done anytime in future. For now the tech team work is complete on this.
May 1st tasks from Tech meeting
Citebank sunsetting – Trish and William will develop plan/timeline and pass on to Chris for feedback.
Full text search – William is working on plan
Article metadata into Macaw – Mike sent message to Joel but Joel has been out sick
Australia copy of database – done
Contact Rod Page about keeping user generated PDFs – William to do
BHL OAI sets (filtering out externally hosted content) - Trish sent email to EBSCO April 17th and will send another email today.