This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

Apr 21 2014

Tech Meeting 4/21/14
Present: Trish, William, Mike L, Bianca

Art of Life-
Putting together training materials for Macaw classification. Training 2 volunteers at MOBOT this week.
Last discussion on page types and priority of assignments – Trish said decisions are OK with her. Mike does’n’t need to add fields in BHL but can use auditing fields existing.
Cluster is dead – Chuck wonders is hardware still around? They don’t need for EOL. They offered hardware but we have to pay to get it. And cost of setting it up.

Sisus FTP site - Chuck commented might be weak link in chain for uploading content from mongoDB and Macaw

Kyle emailed IA that someone killed our mongoDB but not sure why
BHL nominated for a prize in Europe German Chapter of Wikimedia Foundation. Other nominees – British Library for their upload of million pages to Flickr Commons.

Purposeful Gaming –
ALA transcription tool. Joe did more testing and addressed Mike’s concerns
I was able to use the original filenames with no apparent problem. This means that the filenames will have the IA identifier and page sequence number for matching with portal files
I transcribed a page, stopped, and then finished later; and also tried editing a completed transcript. I then exported the validated transcripts and only the final version of the text was in the output (attached).
I used the single text box option rather than two text boxes per image. As you can see there is a single string of text in the output.
FromThePage – setup at MOBOT. William tried to connect Friday but no luck. He will contact Mike. W. Mike L will transcribe same pages that Joe did to compare the outputs

RFP – Trish sent emails to 9 of 11 companies we want to send RfP to to gauage their interest. Heard back from 3 of them – yes. 1 will talk with lab and let me know. RfP is very close to being ready – William and Trish reviewed on Friday and revised.
Chuck had some ideas -
Look at any restrictions or conditions from IMLS- Product of any federal grant has to be free. Royalty free? Work for hire - copyright goes to hirer not hiree. When doing a contract its less clear. Ideally they give you ownership. IF they give up rights they usually want more money. You do work and own it but license it back to me (but with restrictions – only use for our own purpose or for educational only).
1) Whats easiest? Run game then no further obligations
2) Whats fair? We paid for it and should get some future profits or use of it.
3) What makes most profit?
In RFP – Intellectual Property issues– to be negotiated. As required by federal law “….” If I can’t find anything referencing this from IMLS could ask iMLS Program Officer.

Mining BioDiversity
Meeting Friday - not much to look at. Will set up a wiki with thesaurus, ontologies to use. Work will start end of April. Canada has all the OCR content. William asked for copy to verify size and completeness. Still working out hiring Jenn and community manager. IMLS officer Tim Carrigan hasn’t responded

Author Display – trying to setup a meeting to talk about. Difficult to pin down folks schedule. Issue from discussion – should we take into consideration non-BHL data since all of it needs to be displayed? This issue has been discussed since November and needs to get resolved. Key people on call - Suzanne Pilsk, Diana Shi, Diane Shaw - so work around their schedules. William has to put boundaries around what we can do with what data we have. If there are new requests they have to be tabled and moved to future discussions.
OAI sets – Trish Sent email to EBSCO last week about what sets they are currently pulling and whether creating 2 external sets for items and parts will work for them. but haven’t heard back.
Titles always go to BHL bibliography pages and would include both internal and external so probably don’t need a set for this for external. Bianca will organize a meeting with AMNH and Trish to determine what should go into BHL.

SCIELO – what we have in BHL is better than Citebank – more targeted group. William emailed Fabiana about which journals were appropriate for BHL. She gave us list of 38 journals. A lot of these are new journals in SCIELO since the last time we began ingesting with Citebank. All 38 titles have been fully ingested now.
How does Rod pull data? APIs or monthly export files. Decided not to respond to Rod’s blog or tweets about his concerns with link-outs
Search issues and primary titles that Bianca surfaced – Mike will look into further.
BHL administration importer tool – Trish needs to do more testing
PDF Generator – 3 different issues. Failing of emails, error with accessing PDF directory. Mike W. applied registry settings to server 14 this morning. Bill Berns was running a backup on one of the drives and may have caused some connection problems to server.

Tech meeting action items – deadlines coming up May 1st