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24 May 2016

NDSR Minutes


Official Start Date: June 1, 2016
Conference Number: 1-866-890-3820 passcode 86126755# We will purchase an 8 person 6 month subscription, starting about June 15 (Connie and Joe have access and do not need to be included). (This may be good news because it means we can go with a 6 person subscription with a 7th as an administrator for free). Mentoring options are light. Connie will send some suggestions for courses. Trish suggested some ALA published mentoring books. We may need to buy these ourselves or borrow them from another library.
Reviewer Comments: Diversity, Evaluation and Sustainability of training were the topics that reviewers felt we needed to review. The reviewers are concerned that we reach out to a diverse community (geographically, ethnicity, gender, degree studies). One suggestion was to recruit through the joint conference of librarians of color. If anyone has suggestions on where to recruit, send them to the group!

Evaluation: One suggestion is that we should have "performance discussions" with the residents at the beginning (goal setting), at about 3 months and then at the end. Evaluating outcomes is more difficult. We should set some metrics that will allow us to evaluate what the residents do in the 6 months following their residencies (job offers, what else?)

Sustainability: BHL sustainability was well documented in the grant application but some reviewers wondered about sustainability of training programs following the end of the grant. How might we replace IMLS funding. It seems that at least the Smithsonian and MCZ already provide opportunities for training in digital-library related activities (Interns with the Secretariat at the Smithsonian, Interns, temporary or grant subsidized staff at MCZ, volunteers). Do others have positions like these that are used for BHL-related (thus digital stewardship related) work? Please make some notes so we can incorporate these opportunities into the grant reports.

Logistics: Some issues have come up with subcontracts. Connie will contact Kristin for help. Connie is working with Harvard Human Resources to sort out recruiting. Interim financial and narrative reports due Aug 30, 2017 and final reports due Aug 29, 2018. Connie requested that everyone submit quarterly reports of activities so the annual reports will be easier to compile. Connie copied Carolyn's template for listing tasks (see google docs link on main page) for each partner (Chicago partners share a page) so we can get started listing tasks.

Leora asked what happens if a resident doesn't work out or leaves early? There is a google doc for that (RISKS) in the google NDSR folder. Connie will add this risk. We did address this one in the grant. The group decided to maintain records for any "runner up" applications that we could offer a residency to for any early drop-outs. We also thought that many of us may have temporary staff that could be "understudies" to join the NDSR team if there is a later drop out. These understudies would work best if they are students/new graduates who are already involved in BHL work at our institutions and thus already participating with the NDSR cohort group, at least in some capacity.