2017.11.21 NDSR Minutes
1866.890.3820 passcode 86126755#
Ari, Carolyn, Connie, Joe, Katie, Marissa, Doug, Richard, Leora, Pam
Trish can't make it.
Jan 4 or 5
Time: 1400-1630
- Welcome by Martin or Nancy (5 minutes)
- Keynote address by a scientist: Scott Miller 25 minutes)
- What is NDSR and the goals of this BHL cohort by Connie Rinaldo (10 minutes)
- Reflection by a Mentor (more than one? A small panel?) ONE talk (15 minutes
- Reflection by a Resident (more than one? A small panel?) ONE talk (Residents will plan their talk and select a spokesperson). (15)
- Closing on National Digital Stuff and such: Trevor Owen (20 minutes)
-Questions (20 min)
- Light refreshments (casual conversation )
- We might also see if we could offer a “VIP Tour of NH collections”) before which could help draw in some more local VIPs
DC NDSR capstone event only had one mentor/one resident
We need something more substantial for those traveling from far away.
Morning event for just us
Working time for starting the final reports.
Trish noted:
my thoughts about about the capstone event-Id love to have reflections from all the mentors and residents
maybe we could pose several questions
-what was most beneficial? least? what advice would u share with a future resident or mentor?
ACTIONS: figure out how much everyone has left for travel. We have about $3500 from salary savings to support travel for the capstone event.
I would also like to review the webinars and get updates from the remaining residents. Webinars are going well. Good comments from listeners outside of the usual BHL group.