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2017.05.09 NDSR Minutes

1866.890.3820 passcode 86126755#
On call:


DC de-brief: good turnout at symposium; mix of mentors and residents (new and old), CLIR, institutions hoping to have residents.BHLNDSR cohort did a great job. Past cohorts keep in touch--nice to know.

Takeaway: made us think about documenting process as well as the project; how to preserve what we worked on and make sure what was done is available. Using OSS site (open science framework) Contact Megan Potterbush. NY cohort published paper is in OSS.

1. Per the NDSR Symposium Evaluation meeting, it is a best practice to allow Residents 20% time for professional development unrelated to their project or work at their institution. Andrew Weaver’s AAPB NDSR blog post serves as an example:

2. Across programs, the criteria for selecting skills for the skills survey have been unclear, and it is admittedly an imperfect instrument due to different understandings of the metrics. Methods of skill development have varied across programs (such as enrichment sessions offered towards the end of the current DC program, based upon undeveloped areas stated at the start of the program.) Using the skills survey as a basis, my mentors and I are starting to discuss the most relevant skills for my project and my outside interests. See Howard Besser’s talk for more info:

3. Across programs, Residents have been referred to inconsistently. Understandably it is a term that requires explanation, and one of the Symposium’s focuses was what it means to be a Resident. In fact, Molly Schwartz referred to opportunities like NDSR and Fulbrights as heterotopias; different from the way things normally are. Use of the term Resident was emphasized during the Residents only evaluation meeting.

Internal vs. external terms. Internally you may be intern but externally use resident. Volunteer internally at Chicago.

Survey updates (?): Pam finalizing surveys next week: general, targeted to members/affiliates, system users (biodiversity listservs, CETAF, SPNH)

Taking our temperature (how are things going? Anything specific needed?): ALA poster

Reminder: Annual Interim Report. Please send to Connie by first week of June.

Internet Librarian submissions (October same as DLF): Trish and Richard ? "Partnering for Broader Impact"

Katie: conferences, transcription paper
Marissa: museums publication article definition
Alicia: statistical analysis project, met with JSTOR labs using their textual analysis
Ari: working on questions for FLICKR taggers; meeting with Mike, parsing metadata, blog post, Kelly Trei scientist blogposts
Pam: surveys