This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

2017.03.28 NDSR Minutes

AGENDA March 28, 2017
1. Change to time/who is on the call: Less calls/more information. Calls will move to 3 pm Eastern time. Calls will include all mentors and residents going forward. If mentors need a call on their own, it can be separately scheduled.

2. Deliverable check-in/Webinars: On target with deliverables (except no residents at Annual meeting). Webinars are the next big deliverable

3. BHL Annual Meeting: dissolve Global Committee and consider other committees that might improve consortial communication. BHL Open day at Singapore Botanical Garden; Next day at Natural History Museum included updates and longer presentations from France and ; Members' meeting at National Library Board, Carolyn will share the minutes.New officers: Connie is Chair of executive committee, Jane is vice-chair and Doug is secretary. It was a great international meeting and inspiring. Key takeaways: Kew provided proof of value and David was able to present a case that allowed him to incorporate membership dues into the regular library budget going forward; The meeting face to face time and interaction is extremely valuable especially in the international consortium; Members' session on BHL Prospectus; still need a more compelling case. Usage stats of specific collections was important; broad dissemination of collections was also important. Should we make a video using testimonials?

4. Tech meeting: 9/11-14 St.Louis

5. Abstracts/talks/papers: Wikicites conference in Vienna--Katie received funding

6: Updates:
Pam provided a google doc update:
3 user groups: consortium, system users, individual users
Katie: Transcription tools paper from blog post. Why important for biodiv, why crowdsourcing is good tool and what are the best platforms. Looking at workflows for integration from different transcription tools. Also working on ideas for OCR corrections (Trove, e.g). Beyond OCR? metadata, transcriptions etc.; importing transcriptions into book reader.
Ari: Blog post on Illustrations!
Marissa: working on CLIR field notes inventory and article metadata for Contributions in Science
Alicia: working on probability modeling to determine biodiv lit scope, visiting around the garden; submitted proposal to do a poster at ipres in Japan; working internally what is to be scanned.

7. Other: Richard submitted proposals to Internet Librarian (Monterey CA) October 23-25; including overview of LA work; DLF (same dates) in Pittsburgh. Deadline for IL submission is March 30; no deadline for DLF yet. Keep your eyes peeled.

Attending: Marissa, Richard, Connie, Trish, Ari, Doug, Katie, Joe, Leora, Carolyn, Pamela