This is a read-only archive of the BHL Staff Wiki as it appeared on Sept 21, 2018. This archive is searchable using the search box on the left, but the search may be limited in the results it can provide.

2016.10.11 NDSR Minutes



16 new applicants today

Still concerns about LA pool. Richard will be attending the Internet Librarian conference and will ask around there. Connie closed the application.

Still goal to set up interviews by 18th and complete by Oct 31.

Use pre-determined questions for candidates. If two sites are interested, add site-specific questions from

One conference call at a time if Connie is to be on the call and we use the Harvard #.

Add spreadsheet tab for just interviews and times.

Make offers by the end of November.

By next Tuesday Oct 18 we will have reviewed the new applicants and made any changes needed.

Chicago is looking at Oct 25/early November for interviews.

Add social component to NDSR cohort before workshop in Feb. OK with IMLS? (happy hour meeting); Same hour or after have social for the mentors. Will offer per diem, not rent a room. Keep it simple.

ACTION: add new additions to spreadsheet (Connie)
Add another tab with just interviewees and times (Connie)
Review new applicants and make any changes by October 18 (everyone)
Connie verify that we can have cohort party.