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2016.09.13 NDSR Minutes

Minutes NDSR call September 13, 2016

Attending: Leora, Doug, Carolyn, Joe, Christine, Connie, RichardGrace

It is time for our NDSR call. Tomorrow I would like to focus on

1. Poster for Digital Preservation
Approval of Martin and Grace's ideas for a poster.
Digital Preservation attendance: Leora is going, Connie is going, maybe Christine, Doug thinking about it.

2. Hiring: We need to review/determine questions.
We have 11 applications but specifying only 3 of our 5 sites in first place. There is at least one for each if we consider all choices.

Can we all re-send the post to the sites we originally sent them? Yes we will send with a note that "Applications that arrive before Oct 5 will have first consideration". We have to balance the timing for selecting, interviewing, hiring and having someone in place by Jan 9 with the allure of a larger applicant pool.

Connie: DLF, ALA Spectrum

Trish: Laura Fowler, Museum Studies program SIUE "Fowler, Laura", Michael Yonan, Univ of MO Art History Grad program, Maris Boyd Gilette, Univ of MO, Director of Museum Studies Grad Program, "Gillette, Maris", Univ of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, School of Library and Info Science Rebecca Hodson, Career Services Coordinator, rhod…, Univ of MO The School of Information Science & Learning Technologies (SISLT) Student Coordinator at Amy Adams

Carolyn/Martin: • University of Maryland, Catholic University, Syracuse, University of Kentucky, Simmons, Pratt, UNC Chapel Hill, Drexel, Pitt, Wisconsin SLIS, Texas Women's University SLIS, Indiana SLIS

Leora: Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, GSLIS at Dominican University, RAILS.

Richard: San Jose University job board, SLA Connect Open Forum, cross posted it to the Museums, Arts and Humanities Division Forum, SAA 'Museum' forum discussion list, Western Archivists (Can you post to USC, UCLA if you haven’t already?)

As a reminder, Martin sent out a summary matrix:

I have also attached the documents Doug and Leora gathered along with a structured interview document shared by Martin.
We reviewed the Interview Guide which is helpful. Basically we want to ask effective and legal questions. Of the tricky topics (where legality is quite proscibed), the ones we might be concerned with are Reliability/Attendance, Citizenship (candidate must be a US citizen to be eligible so probably no questions are needed) and Education. Most of these are covered by CV.

We did not have a chance to review the Reference Check questions. We can do that next time to see if it works for us or if we want to make adjustments.

We honed down the interview questions. ACTION: Connie will rework and send around for approval. ACTION: Each site will develop 1-2 site/project specific questions to add to the interview and share with us all. ACTION: Connie will finish filling in the matrix and we added a US Citizen column.

There was much discussion about how best to conduct the interviews since a number of the candidates might be interviewed for multiple projects. Connie will be on all the interviews so the interviews will not overlap at different sites. ACTION: each site should review current pool and identify the top three that they would like to interview. Then we can see how the choices overlap. Carolyn will set up a calendar to record interview times.

Other questions that we did not address: Reference calls before or after interview??

3. Don’t forget to complete the survey on dates for the BHL workshop: Carolyn noted that 2 days during the week of Jan 30-Feb 3 seem to work for most of us.