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2016.05.10 NDSR Minutes

NDSR Minutes


Official Start Date: June 1, 2016
Conference Number: 1-866-890-3820 passcode 86126755#

Planning Call, 10 May 2016: Minutes
On the call, we discussed the best way to get some project management training. Trish asked if we could also get some mentoring training. Martin sent along a link to Library Juice for a PM program (no mentoring equivalent): It is $175 per user and self-guided Aug 1-26. Connie investigated a few other options (including SLA) and the best one seems to be with PM and Mentoring options. Connie has requested pricing for 7 or 15 users (we might find something for the Residents). It would be a year's subscription to cover our grant. Lots of sales stuff so far but no price yet.

Several people wondered how residents will be paid and logistics thereof. Connie will investigate with Harvard human resources. Harvard is managing the stipend. Partners will handle the money for a laptop and for travel (see note from Kristin Pennarun*) Not sure about how travel will work. We also discussed how we would advertise, review applicants and make offers. There will be national advertising but each institution should also do some local advertising. Martin noted that the Smithsonian has a list to advertise internships. Background checks are required at all institutions and this may take up to 6 weeks. Suggested process--all review applications, skype/phone interviews (include all mentors).

How will we work? Phone meeting every other week initially. May re-assess at some point. Google group? Connie will need to learn how to set it up and use it. BHL Wiki.

Trish asked about when and how we will identify the library consultant noted in the grant. More to come.

ACTIONS (keeping in mind that the clock starts June 1 but for cost-share institutions, please keep track of hours going forward):
Start Wiki page for meeting minutes and other grant related items. (carolyn--done)
READ the grant again, especially your institution's project (all)
Start filling in the google doc project task lists that Carolyn developed (all):
Decide on Project Management/Mentoring strategy (Connie, Carolyn)
Hiring logistics through Harvard (Connie/Kristin):
Write one-page grant summary for BHL public wiki and press releases for all of us (if not already done). (Connie will draft)

From Kristin at Harvard: The travel budgets will be included in each of the subawards (except for Smithsonian's, which goes via a PO). Since the funds are issued directly to them, partner organizations will be booking their own travel and processing reimbursements locally. They do need to abide by the federal policies, i.e., the same regs that are also covered under the HU travel policy. Any questions about process can be directed to Anna in the first instance.

Next call: May 24 at 11. Agenda: review job descriptions, review projects and discuss task lists.