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10_06_08ISBN OCLC Workflow

Suzanne’s notes from OCLC, Bowker, BHL call
October 6, 2008

I. Workflow as Bill (OCLC) sees it:
This is an OCLC “pilot” –
BHL needs to tell OCLC which ones will need to get ISBN assigned.
List from BHL will pull appropriate metadata from WorldCat.
Create new record in WorldCat for BHL digital manifestation
Send to Bowker part of the MARC record
Bowker would assign ISBN and return to OCLC
OCLC puts the new ISBN in 020 of digital manifestation record
BHL’s record in OCLC will be a MASTER Record.
OCLC reports back to BHL the OCLC number for the digital manifestation and the ISBN

II. Action Item:
BHL identify some titles 20 titles:

III. OCLC will need to send to Bowker
Note that the title is BHL
What Institutional Library had the book scanned

IV. Bowker will assign the prefix of the ISBN to BHL.

V. Terms

VI. Action Item:
Bowker/BHL will explain to Bill exactly what data we are attempting to map to the Bowker fields and what is needed to be retained in the OCLC Master Record for the BHL Digital manifestation. Suzanne will work with BHL and Andrew to make sure this is done as best as possible.

VII. Action Item:
Bill sent the OCLC first mapping of MARC to the Bowker mandatory fields. Bowker and BHL will review and comment.

VIII. OCLC’s example plans for digital material:
Master Record for a Google scan title
Master Record for a IA scan title
Library scans with both companies would have institutional record under both master records.

BHL will have a master record
If a BHL Library provides a copy outside the BHL portal, that should be represented in OCLC as an institutional record under the BHL master record.