1. Filename: * 2. File URL: * 3. Publication name: * 4. Volume information available on the cover page?(1: yes 0: no) * 5: Issue information available on the cover page?(1: yes 0: no) * 6. Number of pages: * 7. Separate article title line? (1: yes 0: no) * 8. Separate article author line? (1: yes 0: no) * 9. Article title capital mode (2: fully capital (whole word capital) 1: first character in every word capital 0: not capital) * 10. Article author capital mode (2: fully capital (whole word capital) 1: first character in every word capital 0: not capital) * 11. Article title line alignment (1: center 0: left ) * 12. Article author line alignment (1: center 0: left) * 13. Extra space before title line? (1: yes 0: no) * 14. Extra space after title line? (1: yes 0: no) * 15. How many volumes in the same publication? * 16. URL for all volumes in the same publication? *